Directa Sim - Logo - Diventa CLiente
1 Company data (In case of a sole proprietorship (individual business), please use the  dedicated form .)
if you do not have the LEI code you can ask it here  link
You can find your ATECO code at the Chamber of Commerce registration (format xx.xx.xx, possibly use zeros to complete -e x: 12.10.00).

2 Data of the Legal Representative
2.1) Verification of the legal representative's contacts
(enter the address on which you will receive Directa's communications)
Please note that the contact mobile phone number, after this first ID verification phase will also be used by Directa to send all future sms/otp  messaging of the trading account (e.g: notifications of trading  account logins, transactions, withdrawals, etc.)
Error message

To verify the mobile phone press "Send me an SMS" and enter the OTP code you've received via SMS in the appropriate input field and then

testo dialogo di attesa
OTP Error MSG!
Advisor Code:
Enter the pairing code if you are assisted by a financial advisor.

I would like to open my account *:

Seleziona il metodo di riconoscimento tra SPID e video.

Desidero procedere all'apertura del conto:

For the opening of an indirect account, the identification will take place at the selected bank and then you will sign the contract digitally.

2.2) Personal information on the Company's Legal Representative
2.3) Financial Information Of The Legal Representative
2.3.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
2.3.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
2.4) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

3 Bank data of the company

Indicate a company bank account.

4 First Password
(minimum 8, maximum 25, case sensitive - we suggest to include letters, numbers and special characters: the €,$,&,%,'," and + character will not be accepted)
We reccomend you to change the above indicated password upon your first login.

5 Commission Plan

The standard commission plan at the account opening is the flat one, you can change your plan in the private area of the site upon the first access if you prefer a commission plan as a percentage of the equivalent

6 Derivatives and Margins

7 Company Valuation Sheet - Economic and Financial Data (In case of a sole proprietorship (individual business), please use the dedicated form

Pursuant to the anti-money laundering legislation (Legislative Decree 231/2007 and 2017/65)  subsequent amendments), and by the MIFID II directive (2017/65) we're required to request information on the purpose of the relationship with our company and the investment activities to be carried out.

please use only numeric characters for the fields below between 0 and 9 (do not insert periods, commas or alphanumeric characters)
7.1) Purpose and nature of the ongoing relationship with Directa
7.2) Origin of the funds transferred to Directa
7.3) Appropriateness Evaluation

The following information is to be reported to the legal representative or to another person in charge of carrying out the operations on behalf of the  company, i.e. the investor who corresponds to the following position:

The investor must hold a trading account. Enter the customer code below:

a) Experience in financial services, operations and instruments
a.1) Financial instruments

a.2) Banking and Financial Services

so far, I have used the following services:

b) b) Nature, volume and frequency of transactions
b.1) Nature of the operations

I pursue the following objectives when choosing a financial instrument.

b.2) Size of the Operations

I usually invest in stocks a percentage of my assets equal to:

I usually invest in derivatives a percentage of my assets equal to:

b.3) Frequency of the Operations

I usually make a monthly number of trades in the following range:

c) c) Level of education and profession
c.1) Education

I have the following Academic qualification:

c.2) Occupation

I am employed (or I have been employed for at least one year in the past) in the banking/financial sector.

8 Actual Owners Personal Data  (definition)

To guarantee the confidentiality of the data (s) referable to the trustee(s), please contact the Anti-Money Laundering office directly by e-mail

In compliance with the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering legislation, we are a request to provide the data of the  ACTUAL OWNER(s)

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 1
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 1
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 2
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 2
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 3
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 3
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 4
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 4
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 5
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 5
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 6
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 6
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 7
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 7
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 8
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 8
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 9
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 9
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.

8.1) Personal data of the actual owner 10
8.2) Financial information of the actual owner 10
8.2.1)  SUMMARY INCOME INDICATOR (it is the total gross annual income which includes salary, self-employment income, rents, financial income, other annuities):
8.2.2)  2.2) SUMMARY ASSET INDICATOR (is the total value of its bank deposits, movable and real estate property, including sums present in Directa and net of debts):
8.3) Politically Exposed Person Statement  (definition)
We recommend that you read the definition of the above reported law. In the case of "PEP" additional documentation will be required as per current regulatory provisions.
If there are other actual owners to declare please click

9 Quotation Usage Profile

    The customer takes note that:

  • - They are classified as a Professional User  with regard to the Quotation usage, that's they use the market data  for commercial or professional purposes;
  • - the eventual visualization or the quotation usage requires the professional a further activation to be done online, accessible from within the account. The user authorizes to be debited with the payment of the subscription fee  as required by each market or other data providers.

    The quotation utilization requires the customer:

  • a) not to redistribute, republish, or provide information to third parties, or on behalf of third parties;
  • b) to acknowledge the legal and intellectual property rights of the information;
  • c) to authorize Directa whenever requested by the rightful owner or assignees, to provide his identification data,  and the way the information has been used, for the purpose of legitimacy
  • d) to ensure to notify Directa within seven days whenever the circumstances comfirmed in this declaration were to be missed.

10 Notifications

11 Codice promo

Send the following documents to

- documents of the legal representative (a valid ID document and the tax code)

- documents of the actual owner(s) (a valid ID document and the tax code)

- statute/incorporation data

- Chamber of Commerce certificate issued in the last 3 months